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What Is NREPP?
The National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) is an evidence-based repository and review system designed to provide the public with reliable information on mental health and substance abuse interventions. All interventions in the registry have met NREPP's minimum requirements for review. The programs' effects on individual outcomes have been independently assessed and rated by certified NREPP reviewers.
The purpose of NREPP is to help people learn more about available evidence-based programs and practices and determine which of these may best meet their needs. NREPP is one way SAMHSA is working to improve access to information on evaluated interventions and reduce the lag time between creation of scientific knowledge and its practical application in the field.
Some intervention developers elect to participate in NREPP through self-nominations. Other interventions may be identified through literature searches or by SAMHSA; these can be reviewed based on documents in the public domain. There will always be some interventions that are not submitted to or reviewed by NREPP, and not all programs that are submitted are reviewed.
New program profiles are continually being added, so the registry is always growing. Please check here to access the latest updates.
What Information Does NREPP Provide About Interventions?
NREPP assesses the research evaluating an intervention's impact on outcomes and provides information on available resources to facilitate the effective dissemination and implementation of the program.
NREPP ratings take into account the methodological rigor of evaluation studies, the size of a program's impact on an outcome, the degree to which a program was implemented as designed, and the strength of a program's conceptual framework. For more information on the ratings, see the Review Process.
For each intervention reviewed, NREPP publishes a report called a program profile on this website. You will find research on the effectiveness of programs as reviewed and rated by NREPP certified reviewers. Each profile contains easily understandable ratings for individual outcomes based on solid evidence that indicates whether a program achieved its goals.
Each program profile includes:
- A sidebar snapshot with outcome-level ratings, program age, gender, special populations, settings, and program type
- A brief description of the intervention, its goals, and major components
- A presentation of the program's positive or negative impact on the outcomes reviewed
- A description of the evaluation studies that assessed the program's effectiveness
- Information on resources for dissemination and implementation, including available training, education, and implementation supports, as well as cost and purchasing information
- References
Users should carefully read the Program Effects Across all Studies and Key Study Findings in the program profile to understand the research results for each program’s outcome.
How Should NREPP Be Used?
NREPP can be one part of an informed decision-making process.
- After you determine your needs, you can use NREPP program profiles to decide whether a particular intervention may meet those needs.
- Direct conversations with intervention developers and others listed as contacts are advised before making any decisions regarding the selection or implementation of an intervention.
NREPP does not provide an exhaustive list of interventions or endorsements of specific interventions. Review of interventions and their inclusion on the NREPP website do not constitute an endorsement, promotion, or approval of the interventions by NREPP or SAMHSA.
- Use of NREPP as an exhaustive list of interventions is not appropriate, since NREPP has not reviewed all available interventions.
- Policymakers and funders in particular are discouraged from limiting contracted providers and/or potential grantees to selecting only among NREPP interventions. NREPP is not intended to replace or supersede informed judgment and/or innovation. We recognize that rigorous evaluation evidence is one of several factors to consider in programming, policy, and funding decisions.
Updating and Re-Reviewing Programs
The information and ratings included on NREPP are not static. As additional evidence becomes available, our content will be updated and supplemented to reflect the most current information and research. We also rely on developers to provide us with updated information on their programs. Contact us to submit updated program information or to submit a question.
NREPP staff will re-review programs that were reviewed under the previous criteria. The re-reviewed programs can be found in the general registry of programs.
Contact Us About Nominations or Questions
NREPP welcomes program nominations and holds open submission periods. See the Open Submission Process to learn more about submitting a program for NREPP review. When submitting a program for consideration, make sure it meets the minimum criteria and carefully follow the required steps for submission.
If you need help understanding a term you see on NREPP, see our Glossary.
We would like to hear from you. Which parts of the NREPP site do you find most useful? How can we improve the site? Are there additional features you would like to see in the future? Please Contact Us to send us your thoughts.