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Resources and Tools

The following is a collection of resources and tools identified by NREPP to support the selection and implementation of evidence-based programs and practices addressing substance abuse and mental health.

  • Organizational Readiness for Change Assessment
    The Institute of Behavioral Research (IBR) at Texas Christian University (TCU) has developed this tool to measure aspects of organizational readiness for change. IBR also has developed a variety of other assessment tools for clients and staff. (Written permission for nonprofit research use of these instruments is not required; however, it is requested that IBR be notified of their use and that copies of reports based on these instruments be sent to IBR as a professional courtesy.)

  • Substance Use Screening & Assessment Instruments Database
    The Alcohol and Drug Institute at the University of Washington maintains this database of substance use screening and assessment instruments.

  • Mental Health Screening Tools
    The New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University Division of Infectious Diseases, has compiled this information on screening tools to complete a mental health assessment.

  • Evidence-Based Therapy Relationships
    This document is drawn from detailed meta-analyses appearing in the second edition of Psychotherapy Relationships That Work, published by Oxford University Press. The document examines the association between elements of the therapy relationship and treatment effectiveness.